May 20, 2013

Insights by Michelle Libby

Social media, websites, blogs. They can be both a blessing and a curse as it was pointed out to me this week when my son told me that I needed to update my website.

Getting information out there about events, businesses and services is important. We have a community calendar that we put together every week with items the community might find interesting. The one thing we can’t control is when the event is cancelled or the date is off.

The best advice we can give is to call ahead before little Johnny is wrapped up in his snowsuit or thinks he’s going to a great event at the beach. Call and make sure the event is happening.

As the owner of the business or the person running the event, please update your social media. Tweet, Facebook or blog that the event is no longer happening. From a business standpoint, it will make your customers happy that they didn’t show up only to discover that Hector P. Valente was not coming to the library.

This past weekend, my family received an email from my son’s soccer coach informing us that no, soccer had not been cancelled due to rain as of 10 a.m. This email, short and sweet, was just enough for me to know that the coach was on top of what was going on and I knew he would email us back should the rain continue and the fields get closed.

I guess that most of this boils down to common courtesy for our customers, friends and families. A quick email blast takes no time. We are all quick to check Facebook if something happens around town. 

(Remember the earthquake?) Why not say, “Hey, I’m running late, be there in 10 minutes.”?

And, those of you who know that I don’t always make it places on time, this time I have an excuse…I’m off to update my website. 

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