July 15, 2016

Student of the week - Caylan Kinney

Caylan Kinney is The Windham Eagle student of the week. She will be entering sixth grade this fall at Jordan-Small Middle School. She was 10 when she was nominated. 

“Caylan Kinney is a perfect recipient!  She is a pleasure to have in class and is here to learn.  Her friends have said things such as: ‘I think she (Caylan) should be student of the week because she is always honest and she is very friendly.’  Another student reports, ‘She is really kind and always helps me when I'm stuck on a problem.’”

“Caylan loves to dance, play basketball, soccer and softball. When she was asked about why she liked JSMS, she said she loved the freedom of walking from class to class.  Caylan loves lobster and country music!”

When Caylan grows up she would like to work at an animal farm, or dance and act. 

Her hobbies include dancing, softball, basketball, soccer, skiing and drama. She feels education is important “because without it, we couldn’t do life skills.” 

Caylan lives with her mom Karin, dad Paul, brother Davis and her pets Maggie, Max and Piper.
“When I’m not in school, I’m either sick or on vacation,” she said.  

Favorite subject: Science
Favorite TV show: Once Upon a Time
Favorite Animal:  White tiger
Favorite movie:  Divergent

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