January 19, 2018

Host an exchange student from Japan by Lorraine Glowczak

The Greenheart Exchange is looking for families who would like to host an exchange student from Japan who will be visiting the Windham Schools from March 2 through March 12, 2018.
“Your family can learn about Japan while you are hosting them and you make a friend for life,” stated Kathy Hansen, High School Programs Regional Director. “They are here to practice English, attend school and get to know a family. It does not cost anything except to feed them. They do not need their own room and they will take the bus to school.”

While the students are here, they will visit the high school, middle school and elementary schools and offer presentations. 

Not only will the host family provide an experience to remember for the student, but create a memory for the family as well. Host mom Heather said, “We did not really have the extra room or time, but we hosted Ari from Japan to help out. It was so fun! The only hard part about hosting is when they leave!” 

If you or someone you know would like to consider or wish to host a student, contact Kathy Hansen at 207-653-1007 or khansen@greenheart.org.

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