May 5, 2013

RSU 14 approves 2013-12 calendar by Leah Hoenen

The Board of Directors has approved the 2013-2014 school calendar for Windham-Raymond schools, which features a shortened Thanksgiving week break. The change resulted from a state law requiring synchronized calendars between districts and technological or career schools.

“The district shortened the Thanksgiving break in order to be aligned with the other schools in the Sebago Alliance who send students to Westbrook Vocational Center,” said Christine Hesler, curriculum director. “We were the only district having the full week off so the change needed to occur. We are required by law to align our calendars with the other sending schools and we are only allowed to have five dissimilar days as a group,” she said.

Superintendent Sandy Prince said developing the calendar took more time than usual because of the requirement that the calendars match to within five days and the meetings necessary to meet that stipulation. 

School will open before Labor Day and the first two days of the year are in-service days, Prince said. 

The calendar includes an in-service day in March, Hesler said, noting it is helpful to have professional-development time in the middle of the year.

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