T-shirts will go on sale soon as part of a fundraising effort |
Lorraine Glowczak
20 Windham residents attended the second of three scheduled public forums to
discuss the planning and development of a Windham Community Center on Monday,
December 3 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Town Hall Chamber Room. The forum
also included those who attended remotely on Facebook Live.
evening began with a welcome by Pat Moody, Chair of the Windham Parks and
Recreation Advisory Committee who introduced members of the design firm working
with the recreation committee, Harriman.
Lee, Sharon Ames and Emily Annis, all of Harriman, presented the results accumulated
by participants from the first public forum that occurred in September. Among
the findings from that first public forum - a gym track, large and small
swimming pools, adult wellness area, youth wellness area and a senior space
were among the most popular requests. Secondary requests included a ball field,
a space for a Headstart program as well as room for the local food pantry. Outside
space such as a playground, athletic field, parking lot and a walking path were
also among the requests.
examined and discussed were the varieties of activities that would take place
at the community center with a high concentration of those events to occur
during the school year. There would also be opportunities for annual one-time
events as well as activities that would require rental space such as birthday
parties, etc.
proposed location for the community center is the Morrell property located near
the rotary and Smith Cemetery at the intersection of Routes 302 and 202. This
property is owned by the town.
the brief presentation, participants had an opportunity to look at three
concept designs.
Design One is a 20,000 square foot building with two floors that would include
all the critical items such as a 2-court gym and indoor track, two locker
rooms, pool, lobby and adult fitness area.
second design is considered the “phase” approach which would entail constructing
the center in phases. It would contain a 2-quart gym and indoor track, two
locker rooms, a lobby, a 365 square foot kitchen, two multi-purpose rooms, a
teen room, a senior room and administrative offices. This center’s design is also
20,000 square feet.
third all-purpose design is a 60,000 square foot building that would include a three-court
gym and indoor track, large pool, small pool, two locker rooms and a 625 square
foot kitchen.
designs would include outdoor space of an athletic field, playground and
parking spaces.
participants then had an opportunity to fill out a form to choose their
preferred concept design. The form asked the participants to explain why they
chose the design and provide specific details that would help Harriman
fine-tune the next concept design that will be presented in March.
expressed after receiving all pertinent information included entry into the
community center property from Route 302, the need for a larger kitchen space
as well as the possible hindrance to the Smith Cemetery expansion.
land where they are proposing to build the community center was purchased by
the town as an expansion to Smith Cemetery,” stated Clarence Wisecap. “I have
concerns about this. The community center is a great idea and I’m for it, but
what about the cemetery expansion?”
Moody addressed the concern regarding the cemetery expansion. “The planning process takes into consideration
that the ‘Morrell Property’ could encompass both a community center facility
and space for Smith Cemetery expansion. This collaborative approach would
synchronize the planning of both functions and take into account the
environmental impact as well as the traffic safety aspect of entering and
exiting the facilities.”
those present, there was excitement filling the room for the proposed
recreational center that would encompass all age levels, providing services for
preschool students up to and including senior citizen events. “I was really
excited to see so many people rooting for a center. I was also proud to see so
many familiar faces that are vested in the community and came out to this
planning session,” Moody stated.
will take in consideration the concerns express as well as the results of the
form filled out by participants. A third public forum is scheduled for March
and the final presentation of the proposed community center based upon feedback
will be available and discussed.
were created and worn by Recreation Committee and Town Council members who were
present at Monday’s meeting. The t-shirts one part of many fundraising efforts
and will be available for sale at the Windham Parks and Recreation Department
in the near future.
more information about each concept design and to obtain a form to or to obtain
to choose your preferred community center concept design, contact the Windham
Parks and Recreation Department at (207) 892-1905 or ljbrooks@windhammaine.us.