The majestic trees grew to be 80- to
100-feet tall, lived for up to 400 years, furnished humans and wildlife with
tasty and nutritious nuts, and was the source of straight-grained wood in
furniture making. The tree, with its long symmetrical branches suspended from a
massive trunk was memorialized in the poem The Village Blacksmith by Portland’s
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

Because some species of chestnut are
unaffected by the fungus, experiments in hybridization seem to hold promise for
the creation of a blight resistant strain. The Land Trust will be participating
with the American Chestnut Foundation in Virginia, which produces hybrid
seedlings for plantings throughout the eastern United States. Forbes says a
section of the Land Trust’s Frog Hollow farm property in Gorham may be ideal
for re-establishing a stand of American chestnut, though it will take many years
to learn whether the trees will grow to maturity.
“It’s good open space with a rolling
topography,” said Forbes. He and other volunteers hope to plant the seedlings
sometime next spring.
Foresters avoid the question of whether
hybridization will bring back the American chestnut. Cross breeding experiments
are still in the early stages. The hot chestnuts of our great-grandparents may
not re-emerge until the time of our great-grandchildren.
“They still roast chestnuts on the
streets of New York City, but they use Chinese chestnuts,” said Santerre.
Tree pictures: Florence Hawkes with
retired forester Norman Forbes stand in front of an American chestnut. Land
Trust member Norman Forbes examines a rare American chestnut on the property of
Windham resident Florence Hawkes. “For me,” he said, “this is an amazing find.
It may be an original from a native American chestnut.”
Old chestnut tree picture: "Under a
spreading chestnut tree the village smithy stands." An inspiration from a
classic American poem. H. W. Longfellow
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