of the missions of the REAL School, which is part of RSU14, is to create
opportunities for service learning. The school is “an adventure- and service-learning-based alternative and special education
public school with minimally restrictive components of day treatment for
students with social, emotional, behavioral, and academic needs from RSU14 and
several other districts in Southern Maine.” Many of their projects benefit
communities from Windham to villages in the Dominican Republic.
Tuesday, the Sebago Lake Rotary Club held an official signing welcoming the
REAL School Interact club to its ranks. Interact clubs consists of high school
students who are involved with the Rotary club sponsor. There are more than
12,300 Interact clubs in 133 countries. The Interact club raises money for
families at the holidays and for their programing. They also support the Rotary
club with their events like the fishing derby and pizza challenge. The Sebago
Lake Rotary Club now sponsors two Interact clubs, the other being at Windham
High School.
will enhance what is at the heart of our school. This is a really nice
partnership,” said REAL School counselor and the new Interact advisor Susan
Burns Chong.
Anthony VanDeventer will be the club’s president. “People need community
service so that’s why I’m doing it. I need community service. A lot of people
want to do good in the world,” he said.

the group is excited about being a part of are a barbeque at Unity Gardens in
Windham on August 14, a food packaging day at the Maine Mall toward the end of
the summer and a Feet for Food walk on September 21.
For more information about the school, visit or call Susan Burns Chong at