April 5, 2015

Sam Cole wins local Geography Bee at Windham Middle School - By Michelle Libby

Sam Cole won the Windham Middle School Geography Bee and participated in the State Bee in Farmington last week. 

“It was a great competition with more correct answers,” said local Bee coordinator Julie Anderson. The top 100 kids in the state based on the written test scores were invited to the state bee for grades 4 to 8. The winner at the state level goes on to Washington DC for the National Geography Bee. Cole did well at the State Bee, but did not move on. 

At WMS, the competition was stiff between Cole and Alex Saade. “There were 15 to 20 questions we kept getting wrong,” Cole said. “There were a bunch of places I’ve never hear of. It was kind of difficult.”
The questions for the bee could be anything one might find on a map: Capitals of countries, mountain ranges, history of a country and cultures. 

“He’s a gifted student. He was a very strong candidate in the bee,” said Anderson. 

Cole’s favorite subject is history. “I’d like to travel to a lot of places someday.” For now, he hasn’t been further than Florida. “Being a travel writer would be fun,” he said.  

The National competition is very competitive and to be successful the winners keep notebooks of facts, said Anderson. 

Cole’s winning question was: Which European country which borders France and Italy uses political units called cantons?  The answer: Switzerland.

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