Transportation was one of the subjects discussed |
Sebago Lake Rotary Club sponsored a presentation by the Greater Portland
Council of Government (GPCOG), entitled ‘The Lakes Region: Today and Tomorrow’
held at the Windham Veterans Center on Thursday, March 21. The GPCOG’s
executive director, Kristina Egan, was the keynote speaker and she spoke on the
importance of community and businesses working together with local governments
to address various issues.
Egan, a
Freeport resident, has worked in the United States and abroad on the issues of:
transportation, smart growth, energy, housing and climate initiatives as well
as public policy.
she joined the coalition in 2011, Egan served as the director of the South
Coast Rail project for the Massachusetts Department of Transportation.
vision for the future is “we are thriving economically,
socially, and environmentally.” Egan presented data showing the rising cost of
transportation, job growth and a worker shortage. She discussed reasons,
related to income and housing, that individuals might move away from the Sebago
Lakes Region.
She also brought attention to the
many positives to the Sebago Lakes Region. The area has a diverse economy and
growing public transportation. The Sebago Lakes Region has a strong school
system with higher learning institutions (like St. Joseph’s College and
University of Southern Maine) that are finding ways to integrate the community.
Egan stressed that there is a lot to
be proud of and reminded attendees that it is our choice what the future holds
for the region. For businesses, it’s important to have a productive,
constructive relationship, she added.
She identified some of the ways a
region can be made better: preserve rural areas, expand broadband access and
find effective ways to manage traffic. Egan emphasized supporting local
businesses by buying local. The rising problem of opioids and other drugs and
the importance of finding a way to help those affected through a recovery
process was discussed.
Being part of a team, like many of
the businesses that were there for her presentation, is a big step toward
“Local government is the foundation of democracy in
Maine,” Egan explained. “What we need to do is figure out how local governments
can work together with the business community to make sure all our people are
thriving. By creating great places and preserving our rural areas, town
government has a really big role in doing those things. We know that that will
be the secret of success for the future in the Sebago Lakes Region.”
believes that the most important thing an individual can do is to be a
cheerleader for the area. “It’s a wonderful place and we should be relentlessly
positive in how we communicate about it to others,” she stated. “We need to
acknowledge that we have challenges, but not dwell on them; focus on the things
we can do together to create a brighter future.”
Plante, Rotary Club president and GPCOG Director of Municipal Collaboration
explained that The Rotary Club’s goal is to get people to start thinking, start
talking about these things and begin acting. “A lot of collaboration begins
with informal conversations around tables like these,” he said. “I think the
more we bring people together, the more we convene them around issues of
regional importance, the more natural opportunities for people to work