In July of 1819 the voters of the District of Maine voted
overwhelmingly to approve our secession from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Less than a year later, on March 15, 1820, an Act of Congress made it finally
so, and Maine became the 23rd state in the union. As those of you
who remember your history lessons may know, the establishment of the State of
Maine was ultimately part of the Missouri Compromise, which kept the balance
between free and slave-owning states equal.
Maine has certainly lived up to our motto, “Dirigo,”
which translates from Latin to “I lead”:
We were leaders as a new free state, in the Civil War
when the famed 20th Maine Volunteer Cavalry Regiment, led by Col.
Joshua Chamberlain fixed their bayonets at Little Round Top, successfully
turning the tide of the deadliest battle of the Civil War towards the Union. We
sent the first woman, Sen. Margaret Chase Smith, to serve in both houses of
Congress, and she herself led her colleagues against the tide of McCarthyism in
1950. The leadership of Chamberlain and Smith paved the way for Sens. Ed Muskie,
Bill Cohen, George Mitchell and others from Maine to stand above the petty
fights of the day and accomplish great things for the people of Maine and the
So clearly, there is much to celebrate.
Last week, for the anniversary of Maine’s statehood vote,
the Maine Bicentennial Commission
kicked off our state’s 200th anniversary party. Gov. Janet Mills
conducted a whirlwind tour
of the state, from Presque Isle to Bangor to Portland to Augusta in one day. At
each location she raised a ceremonial flag and dedicated a Tricentennial Pine
Grove with local leaders, and announced programs and events for Maine’s 200th
anniversary of Statehood.
importance, I was lucky enough to take part in ceremonies in Portland’s Deering Oaks Park. It was a touching ceremony dedicated to both Maine’s past and future, and Gov. Mills delivered remarks that highlighted all that makes Maine great and wonderful.
It was the first of what will be many events and programs
marking our state’s 200th birthday.
Starting in March of next year, and going through
October, there will be concerts, a parade, festivals and fireworks. In
addition, the largest ever display of tall ships from around the world will be
coming to Maine ports, starting in Portland and making stops up the Maine
coast. This will be a spectacular showing, and people will be invited aboard to
view these magnificent structures. Community grants will also be made available
to cities and towns to host their own bicentennial celebrations, which will
allow local communities to celebrate in whatever way they see fit.
There will also be a Maine200 Time Capsule exhibit on the
State House grounds in Augusta, which will highlight moments in Maine history;
facilitated, topic-focused book discussion groups, promoting literacy at public
and school libraries across the state, put on by the Maine Humanities Council;
an interactive 360 virtual reality experience of notable places in the State of
Maine, available through the State
Archives; and other programs celebrating Maine’s history and culture.
To learn more about Maine’s 200th anniversary,
see a schedule of events and programs or apply for a community grant, visit
As always, please feel free to contact me or my office
with any questions, comments or concerns. You can call (207)287-1515 or email
me at diamondhollyd@aol.com. It’s a
pleasure to serve as your state senator.
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