“I am humbled by this award,”
Fay said. “It means a great deal to me to receive this honor from the Maine
Council on Aging.”
Fay is being
recognized for her work building cooperation and coordination between agencies
in developing aging policy and for her efforts to reframe how the Legislature
deals with aging. Fay is House chair of the Legislature’s Aging Caucus and is
also House chair of the Commission to Study Long-term Care Workforce Issues.
“I feel it is
important to elevate the conversation about what it means to age well in
Maine,” said Fay. “I will continue to work to improve how we treat Mainers as
they age, and make sure they have the respect they deserve and the services
they need.”
The MCOA is a
network of more than 90 organizations, businesses, municipalities and older
Mainers formed to address public policy concerns facing older adults in Maine.
The award winners will be honored at the upcoming Maine Council on Aging Summit
on September 24, 2019, at the Augusta Civic Center in Augusta.
Fay is serving
her second term in the Maine Legislature and represents parts of Casco, Poland
and Raymond. She serves on the Legislature’s Environment and Natural Resources
Committee and the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Committee.
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