February 7, 2025

Town of Raymond to hold special town meeting about WiFi project

By Kendra Raymond

A last-minute Board of Selectmen meeting in Raymond was conducted on Jan. 31 via ZOOM where selectmen could vote to make a warrant available for easements requested by Sebago WIFI LLC during a Special Town Meeting.

A map by Sebago Fiber shows proposed
WiFi expansion throughout Raymond. A
Special Town Meeting to approve an 
easement for Sebago Fiber will be
conducted at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 11
at the Raymond Broadcast Studio,
423 Webbs Mills Road in Raymond.
As it happens, an oversight regarding a Sebago WiFi project was discovered by the Town of Raymond’s attorney, and it came to light last week. However, Raymond Select Board members were able to pull together an emergency meeting and voted to approve a Special Town Meeting Warrant authorizing a Special Town Meeting.

Raymond Town Manager Sue Look explained the oversight details prompting the meeting.

“In talking to our attorney about the Broadband Contract, I found that the Select Board does not have the authority to grant the easement needed to allow Sebago Fiber to build the proposed building on the Public Safety property for the broadband project, only (a) Town Meeting can do that,” she said.

The Special Town Meeting Warrant was approved with the required votes of at least three select board members. There was no opposition.

Look said this will allow for the Special Town Meeting to be called so it can be voted on by residents. The town is hoping to move forward with the project, so the broadband installation doesn’t get held up.

The Special Town Meeting Warrant stipulates:

Article 2 : To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Select Board to grant to Sebago Fiber & WIFI LLC a perpetual easement over and under a portion of Town-owned property identified as Tax Assessor’s Map 04 Lot 106A support the installation of a fiber optic network ring connecting all municipal buildings and public safety radio towers and for the purpose of erecting, installing and maintaining:

1. A structure of approximately 400 sure feet to be used as a central office,

2. Two new utility poles and underground conduit, and

3. Solar panels

“The easement will allow broadband with a fiber ring to the whole town, eventually,” Look said. “The next steps are developing the wording of the easement and drawing the proposed easement. It will be available for residents to buy, and I think it will be much better.”

The easement will allow construction of a small solar-powered building which will support the broadband ring. The new structure will be located on the town’s Public Safety property.

The Special Town Meeting Warrant voting to approve the easement will be held at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 11, at the Raymond Broadcast Studio, located at 423 Webbs Mills Road in Raymond. The meeting is open to the public.

Sebago Fiber is owned by Andrew Davis and has been in business since 2021. Its team includes workers covering engineering, support, billing, customer service and field service technicians.

“We build our systems for reliability,” Davis said. “Light traveling over fiber does not have the limits of copper telephone or cable networks. Fiber is not susceptible to every power fluctuation in a storm causing power surges down the lines and frying the cable modem. We build our systems with reliable backup battery and generator power.”

To learn more about Sebago WIFI and take the survey visit: https://www.sebagofiber.net/lake

For updates about the Town’s approval process, visit: https://www.raymondmaine.org/ <

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