By Ed Pierce
Great leaders inspire and empower individuals to reach their full potential and members of the Raymond Lions Club know that from personal experience.
Club members honored Raymond resident Laurie Wallace, who serves as the Raymond Lions Club president, with the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award at an event on Thursday, March 6.
The Melvin Jones Fellowship Award is associated with humanitarian qualities such as compassion, concern, and generosity. It is the highest form of recognition possible for a Lions Club member and embodies the humanitarian ideals consistent with the nature and purpose of the Lions Club.
Recipients of this award are so honored because of their exemplary service to their club and the community in which it serves. The award is named after Melvin Jones, who was the founder and secretary-treasurer of Lions Clubs International.
Raymond Lions Club members say that Wallace has shown her dedication to the club in numerous ways.
She has served as the club’s president for several years along with serving as the club’s secretary at the same time.
Wallace has been proactive in working with the Town of Raymond government, including the Raymond Village Library and the Recreation Department to name a few, the members said.
She has also helped at the Raymond Food Pantry in the past and interacts with members of the Windham Lions Club.
Last year, Wallace was at the heart of an effort to halt the installation of a solar farm in a Raymond neighborhood that is hilly, heavily wooded and filled with vernal pools, critical wetlands and streams that run downhill directly into Thomas Pond.
Citing environmental concerns and the danger of setting a precedent if allowed, Wallace’s persistence and attendance at meetings in Raymond eventually led to the solar farm owners to abandon the project after cutting down many trees at the site prior to installing solar panels there.
Wallace also has volunteered in the past at the Raymond Food Pantry and will serve as a member of the Raymond Town Committee determining what to do with the Jordan-Small Middle School property once construction is completed on the Windham Raymond Middle School and the building is vacated.
The club members say that her actions show the core values that Lions International members strive to achieve.
Lions Club International’s mission is to empower Lions clubs, volunteers, and partners to improve health and well-being, strengthen communities, and support those in need through humanitarian services and grants that impact lives locally and globally, and encourage peace and international understanding.
Members of the Lions Clubs across the world believe in changing lives by serving the needs of local communities. In all, more than 1.4 million Lions Club members internationally are responding to difficult local and global challenges with kindness and caring.
The Raymond Lions Club was formed in 1995 and is an active group of service minded men and women who want to make Raymond a better place to live by serving the community in a variety of ways. It is a part of the world's largest, and most active service club organization, Lions Club International.
Along with other Lions Club members worldwide, the Raymond Lions Club works with their fellow Lions in more than 170 countries and geographical areas to seek out and help the needy in their own communities, their country, and the world.
The club meets monthly in Raymond and is active in many worthwhile community service projects in the Raymond and Casco areas.
For more details about the Raymond Lions Club or to join the group, call 207-655-2222. <
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