RSU 14
School Board member Mike Duffy was recognized at the last school board meeting
for his eleven years of service and dedication to the students of the
Windham-Raymond area. He is leaving the
board to join the Sebago Education Alliance (Maine state law dictates he cannot
hold both positions without a conflict of interest). Though he is leaving the board, he will still
be advocating for students of this area in his new position.
The Windham Eagle (TWE):
Was there a particular event that inspired the recognition?
(Duffy): I think
that the school committee decided that after my serving for 11 plus years on
the school board that they would like to thank me for my service. State
law dictates that a member of a local school committee cannot be employed by
the district. I recently accepted a position with the Sebago Educational
Alliance. The Sebago Educational Alliance is under the fiscal agent of
RSU 14 so my contract is under the umbrella of RSU 14.
(TWE): What are
some major highlights of your career?
(Duffy): Increased
student achievement; higher graduation rates; controlled spending; [a] new high
school; school consolidation between Windham and Raymond; hiring and retaining [the]
most productive employees; positive relations with the three labor unions in
the district.
(TWE): What are
some major struggles and triumphs?
(Duffy): Major
struggles are always focused on funding. [We have] reduced state and
federal funding yet [have] to continue unfunded mandates. Also balancing
the needs of the students while keeping the local taxpayer in mind [is
challenging] and [there are] difficult economic conditions in the state.
(TWE): What does the future look like for the Windham-Raymond
school district? What can we expect?
(Duffy): The
future looks extremely bright and positive for the students of RSU 14.
More participation in Advanced Placement courses at the high school; Standards-based
education that should benefit all students. Higher graduation rates, more
students choosing college after secondary education; more students being
accepted into top notch colleges and institutions.
The educational big picture is
sometimes hard to put into perspective and balance. Mike Duffy has seen the big picture for 11
years and we wish him luck in the future.
He can be reached at for more information.

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