it’s cold and snowy, who do you call? When the road is covered in loose sand,
who do you call? Windham Public Works, the superheroes of the roads in Windham.
125 miles of center-line roads, the Town of Windham Public Works Department
(WPW) has a huge job clearing, maintaining and sweeping roads. However, when
the equipment isn’t able to do the work, WPW has to answer to the public.
December, the town council voted to purchase a new sweeper for the town. Since
March 24, WPW has had the sweeper to work on including adding strobe light, a
2-way radio and doing training from the vendor.
a nice machine,” said WPW director Doug Fortier. The brand new sweeper replaces
the 2002 model that had serious mechanical issues last spring.
new sweeper) does such a clean job in one sweep. It can pick up one to three
inches of sand that quick. This is what it should do even five years from now,”
said Fortier.
Elgin Pelican sweeper was purchased for $169,000 with a trade-in of $5,000. The
Elgin Company has been making street sweepers since1914.
very impressed by it. It’s well thought out with visibility and comfort. Our
mechanics can work on it easily,” said Fortier. “We should get 12 to 15 years
out of it.”
Michael Constantine, who is the highway
supervisor at WPW, said that one of the major differences in sweepers is the
way the machine moves the sand it picks up to the hopper. Before it used an
elevator system, he said. The new one uses a conveyer belt and the sand doesn’t
go near the engine compartment to get dust and dirt in there. “There were more
wear components on it. We won’t have parts you’ll be changing every hundred
hours,” Constantine told Fortier.
“We feel this is going to be a more
efficient machine,” said Fortier.
The town is broken into three
different segments and each year the place that was swept first goes to the end
of the list, behind the North Windham business district and South Windham
village. Windham is part of PPDES, which is a Federal and State Storm water
program to help protect the waterways from pollution and silt run off. The
regulations significantly changed last year and Windham went from a storm
regulated area of 3.9 miles to 15.1 miles.
WPW employs 10 fulltime employees.
The new Elgin Pelican sweeper getting ready for its first day on the roads.
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