May 5, 2014

St. Ann's Episcopal Church announces May 7 groundbreaking

Church in Windham, on Wednesday, May 7th at 6:30 p.m. for a ground-breaking ceremony.

After a lengthy decision-making process of prayer and discernment, recognizing 40 percent growth in membership and income over the past five years, St. Ann’s Episcopal Church is ready to embrace a building renovation. Therefore, the church will build a 30-foot by 36-foot addition as well as make numerous other improvements. St. Ann's will double its Sunday school classrooms from 4 to 8, add handicapped bathrooms, update its septic system, expand the parking lot, gain space in the fellowship hall, add more storage and offer more space for community outreach. Often cited as a landmark, the glass windows or "prow" of the building will also be refurbished. 

Rev. Tim Higgins, Rector, said "We believe, with thanksgiving and glory to God, that our growth revolves around the following: Our welcoming and inclusive community, our vibrant youth programming, a variety of outreach opportunities, and God’s Spirit working in the lives of our members and potential members. We also benefit by the demographics and growth in the local area, and by our ability to draw membership from 15 surrounding communities."

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