election to be held on November 3, only has one contested contest in Windham
and there is no one to vote for in Raymond. Voters in Windham will vote for two
town council seats, an at-large seat, the only contested race between incumbent
Dennis Welch and challenger David Lydon, and a west 3-year seat with Timothy
Nangle running for that position.
voters will vote for the two seats on the RSU14 board. Dawn Dillon and Marjorie
(Marge) Govoni are running for the 3-year seats they presently hold. Linda
Morrell is up for reelection for her town clerk position.

the State of Maine ballot there are three issues. Number one is the Citizen’s
Initiative asking: “Do you want to change Maine law to allow publicly financed
state candidates to qualify for additional funds under certain limits and rules
in the Maine Clean Election Act, to improve the disclosure of who pays for
political ads, and to increase penalties for violations of campaign finance
second is a bond issue: “Do you favor a $15,000,000 bond issue for the
construction of new energy-efficient affordable homes for low-income seniors,
the adaptive reuse of structures for homes for low-income seniors and the
repair and weatherization of existing home for low-income seniors, which will
create jobs and will be matched by an estimated $22,600,000 in private and
other funds?”
final bond issue is: “Do you favor an $85,000,000 bond issue for construction,
reconstruction and rehabilitation of highways and bridges and for facilities
and equipment related to ports, harbors, marine transportation, freight and
passenger railroads, aviation, transit and bicycle and pedestrian trails, to be
used to match an estimated $121,500,000 in federal and other funds?”
begins at 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Auxiliary Gym at Windham High School. Raymond
voters will be at the Jordan-Small Middle School from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
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