The Windham-Raymond Athletic Boosters introduces their new
“Preserve Eagle Pride” Engrave-a-Brick Program. This is a fundraising effort that
offers individuals an opportunity to purchase a personalized, engraved brick
that will be permanently and prominently displayed on the Windham High School (WHS)
campus. The exact location for the bricks to be displayed on campus grounds has
yet to be determined. The purchase will not only become a permanent part of the
WHS grounds but it will help support Windham student athletes.
The Windham-Raymond Athletic Boosters is a group made up of
parents and community. This group works hard to raise funds to support the
athletic program, in efforts that are beyond what is available in the athletic
director’s budget.
So far, for the 2016-17 school year, the Boosters have
provided funds that include: Hotel rooms
for the cross country runners who advanced to the New England meet in Rhode
Island/Swim jackets for the WHS swim team/Practice time for the indoor track
team at the University of Southern Maine/Senior flowers for fall senior
athletes and luncheons for all fall teams that advanced to state competitions.
In addition, the Boosters have provided $11,000 in enrichment funds to WHS fall
and winter teams. Those funds can be used at the coaches' discretion (with more
enrichments to be disbursed in the spring and summer; each fall, winter and
spring team receives a $500 stipend and all teams receive $250 for summer
The Athletic
Boosters run two large fundraising events annually: The Windham Auto Show and the Windham Holiday
Craft Fair. Other funding comes from donations and profits of the popular
Windham High School Eagle's Nest Concession Stand.
The “Preserve Eagle Pride” Engrave-a- Brick Program is their latest fundraising
individual or business can customize their own brick with a personal message to
include important dates and milestones.
cost for each 4” x 8” brick is $50. Each brick can contain up to the maximum of
3 lines, with up to 18 characters per line (spaces & hyphens are considered
characters). The deadline to order an engraved brick is March 1, 2017.
note that Windham-Raymond Athletic Boosters reserves the right to not accept
messages deemed inappropriate for this project. Booster
membership is free and open to all. Any time- commitments that people can
provide is also welcomed. To get involved or for additional information and
questions, send an email to: windhamboosters@yahoo.com