Last time I wrote, I spoke about the urgent situation
facing Mainers, whose freedom of travel is being restricted, because of an
unnecessary law on the books in Augusta.
As of January 30, Maine driver’s licenses and state ID
cards are no longer considered legitimate forms of identification by the
federal government. That means Mainers can no longer enter any federal facilities
unless they have some form of alternative ID.

The problem is gaining more and more attention. Veterans
are having trouble accessing health care. Maine firefighters who traveled to
Washington, D.C., to take part in federal firefighting qualifications have been
barred from the testing facilities. More and more companies that deal with the
federal government are learning that Maine’s noncompliance is hurting their
And it’s going to get worse. In less than a year, Maine
IDs will no longer be accepted by the TSA, which will prevent Mainers from
boarding commercial planes.
As more people are affected by this issue, more and more
lawmakers are hearing from constituents, that a fix is necessary, if Mainers
are going to be allowed to go about their lives without being restricted by the
federal government.
There are two ideas for how to address this issue: First
is passing my bill, which would repeal the law prohibiting Maine from complying
with the federal ID standards. The Secretary of State would make the necessary
security enhancements to change Maine’s licenses and Mainers would no longer be
The second idea is to convince Congress to pass a bill
that would provide relief to Mainers, allowing them to continue to ignore
federal law. Congresswoman Chellie Pingree and some of my colleagues support
this approach, saying that Congress created the problem and it should fall to
Congress to fix it.
I’m grateful for Rep. Pingree’s attention to this issue,
but I don't share her optimism that Congress will act in Maine’s best
interests. First of all, why would Senators and Representatives from states who
have complied with these standards vote to let Maine off the hook? Furthermore,
after 10 years of Congress standing by “Real ID”, why should we expect it to
change course now?
Given the explosive nature of politics in Washington and
gridlock in Congress stretching back nearly a decade, Maine cannot wait for
relief from Capitol Hill. Maine lawmakers have the power to correct this
problem, and it’s our responsibility to do so on behalf of all our constituents
whose freedom will be restricted if we do not.
Opponents of “Real ID” continue to cite privacy concerns
in their opposition to the federal standards; which require the state to copy
and keep a database of information and documents submitted when Mainers apply
for their license, such as birth certificates or Social Security cards. I
expect some lawmakers will continue to voice those concerns and oppose my bill.
But we must learn from experience. More than half the
states have implemented “Real ID” and the sky has not fallen in those states
that have done so. Peoples’ privacy has not been compromised.
The stakes today are too high. Mainers should not be
expected to tolerate restrictions on their right to travel just because
lawmakers in Augusta want to have academic, philosophical debates. It’s
incumbent on all of us do the right thing and to protect our constituents’
My bill has been referred to the Legislature’s Committee
on Transportation, which has jurisdiction of driver’s licenses and state ID
cards. I’m pleased to have earned the support, not only of Democrats and
Republicans who understand the urgency of this situation, but of Gov. Paul
LePage, who has indicated that he supports efforts to preserve Mainers’ freedom
by complying with “Real ID”.
I’ll keep you informed as my bill moves through the
legislative process. And as always, I’m ready and willing to listen to my
constituents. Please feel free to contact me at:
or (207) 287-1515, if you have questions or comments.
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