the Environment and Natural Resources Committee, on which I serve, we heard
bills on diverse topics. The Committee has jurisdiction over the Department of
Environmental Protection (DEP) which includes air and water quality, natural
resource protection, shore land zoning, subdivisions, management and disposal
of solid and hazardous waste, waste-to-energy facilities, mining, and the
bottle bill, among others.
of the highest profile bills that the committee dealt with was the new law that
will add a 5-cent deposit to 50mL liquor bottles (also known as “nips”). The
original bipartisan bill would have added a new 15-cent deposit and that was
reduced through compromise. Much of the testimony we heard was in favor of
adding these small bottles to the list of returnables. LD 56 will become law on
January 1, 2019 and will help keep trash off the road, give local bottle redemption
centers a boost and maybe even help reduce drinking and driving.
waste and toxic chemicals out of the environment was a theme this session.
There was good bipartisan work which resulted in a toxic flame retardant ban in
new upholstered furniture sold in Maine. This law will help reduce the rates of
cancer in first responders and had strong support from firefighters across the
state. Maine has been a leader in banning toxic chemicals from our environment,
protecting not only firefighters, but also our children and pets from unhealthy
Environment and Natural Resources committee also discussed funding for the
Youth Conservation Corps which provides jobs and training for youth and
assistance to landowners with conservation projects, which protect or improve
water quality. In addition, we heard bills regarding septic tank inspections,
both in the shore land zone and statewide. Making sure that septic tanks are
functioning as they should, particularly near water, can help prevent pollution
that contributes to toxic blue green algae blooms, among other negative water
quality impacts. I am hopeful that though these bills failed in final passage,
we can revisit this issue in the future.
were many bills on other topics, landfill closure, climate change risks and
hazards planning, battery recycling, polystyrene bans, plastic bag bans,
changes to subdivision rules, changes to shore land zoning rules and food waste
and donation regulations. Not every proposal required legislation. Some will
result in bills in the future; some were already being addressed by DEP in
their everyday work. Overall, the committee worked in a bipartisan way to protect
Maine’s environment, one of our most valuable assets.
you have any questions regarding any of the legislation that the ENR Committee
heard this session, or any other proposals that came before the Legislature, or
general questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. I can be
reached by email at jessica.fay@legislature.maine.gov or by phone at
Fay is in her first term and represents Casco (part), Raymond (part), and
Poland (part) in the Maine House of Representatives. She serves on the
Environment and Natural Resources Committee.
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