The course, sponsored by Southern Maine Agency on Aging
(SMAA), will focus on chronic disease self-management. Anyone with a chronic
condition or illness is encouraged to attend, including people who care for
someone with a chronic condition or illness.
Space is limited, so please contact Blanche Alexander
from LRSC at 892-5604 or Nicole Petit at 396-6513 for more information or to register.
The six-week course is free, unless you wish to keep the book permanently and then
the cost to keep the book is $15. You do not need to be a member of
LRSC to participate.
LRSC to participate.
About Lakes Region Senior Center
Initially it began as a drop-in gathering place for
Windham and Gorham Seniors; LRSC now includes members from other area towns
such as Standish and Buxton.
Regular weekly programs, cards, crafts and memoir writing
are a few of the programs offered. Individual are invited and encourage to stop
by for coffee and to chat with others. LRSC offers an opportunity for many to
get out and meet new friends.
LRSC meets in the activity room at the Gorham Activity Center,
40 Acorn Street in Gorham. All area seniors are welcome to stop in anytime.
Annual dues are only $20 if one should decide to join. Look for upcoming
programs and monthly luncheons in weekly papers including the community
calendar in The Windham Eagle.
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