Commander Willie Goodman of the Windham Veterans of Foreign
Wars Post 10643 has announced the kickoff of this year's VFW Patriot's Pen and
Voice of Democracy essay competitions.
Are you a student in grades 6 to 12 or the parent of a student
in this age group? Students who are interested in expressing themselves on this
year's topics are encouraged to enter the VFW Scholarship Competition.
The topic for grades 6 to 8 is "How Can I Be A Good
American?" and the topic for grades 9 to 12 is "America: Where Do We
Go From Here?"
Goodman said that the Patriot's Pen essay competition is open
to all middle school students, including home schoolers, in grades 6 to 8.
Students are invited to write a 300- to 400-word essay on this year's theme,
"What is Patriotism to Me?
He said that the Voice of Democracy competition is open to all high school students, grades 9 to 12, including those who are home-schooled. Students are to write and record a three- to five-minute essay (on an audio CD) on this year's theme "America: Where Do We Go From Here?"
Students in the Windham area and surrounding towns are all
welcome to participate. Students are given the opportunity to compete in these
VFW annual essay competitions and win thousands of dollars in scholarships in
either competition.
The first-place state winner of both competitions receives a
four-day trip to Washington, D.C.
The first-place winner nationally receives $5,000 for the
Patriot's Pen winning essay and the first-place winning essay nationally for
the Voice of Democracy receives a $30,000 college scholarship.
Students begin by competing at the local post level. Post
winners then advance to district-level. District winners compete in the state
competition vying for a berth in the national competition.
The deadline for student entries is Oct. 31.
Interested students and/or teachers should contact VFW Post 10643 by phone at 228-4329 or write to the post at P.O. Box 1776, Windham, Maine 04062 for more information. <
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