June 21, 2024

Poland announces candidacy for District 106 State Representative

Doris Poland, a Democrat from Windham, has announced her candidacy for the Maine House of Representatives District 106, which includes North Windham and Windham generally east of Route 302.

Doris Poland of Windham, a
Democrat, is running for State
Representative for Windham's 
District 106 in the Maine House
of Representatives. She has lived
in Windham since 1970.
“My interest in politics started when I was very young–my mom and dad were part of the group that did a Bean supper to launch Ed Muskie’s campaign for governor,” Poland said. “Since then, I’ve watched working families have to work harder and harder to stay afloat. My husband and I raised four kids here in Windham and now I wonder how my grandkids will get by. Augusta needs to do more to support Windham families, from fully funding the state’s share of our school budgets, to sending back more money to the municipalities to keep our property taxes in check. We have to do better.”

She moved to Windham on Independence Day, 1970 and then spent 20 years working for the Windham School District driving students to and from school, games, and outings as a bus driver. Poland also worked in the Windham High School library as a technician before retiring.

In addition to making sure Windham’s kids got home safely, she raised four children, and continues to care for her one disabled child at home. She supported her late husband while he served as a proud postal worker for over 30 years, and advocates for working families as a member of various labor unions and auxiliary groups.

Poland works with area food pantries, has worked with the Wounded Warrior Program, advocates for disabled access and rights, and spends her free time chasing down legislators in Augusta and Washington, D.C. to make sure they hear from Maine families.

U.S. Congresswoman Chellie Pingree says that Poland is an excellent choice for State Representative in District 106.

“I’ve had the pleasure of seeing Doris advocating for working families for many years now. Her dedication to Mainers has helped move the needle on healthcare, wages, housing, and many other issues that have an impact on our everyday lives,” Pingree said. “The deep understanding of the needs of working families that Doris has makes her uniquely situated to work for Windham in Augusta. Her ability to listen and take action on behalf of others will make her an excellent State Rep.” <

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