June 14, 2024

Raymond elects new selectman, RSU 14 budget passes district-wide

By Ed Pierce

Voters in Windham and Raymond cast ballots in Tuesday’s Primary Election and once the results were tabulated, several local issues and questions were decided.

In Raymond, voters rejected a referendum item creating an $8.1 million bond to construct a new Public Works Facility by a margin of 525-221. The issue caused friction earlier this year between Select Board members and Budget Finance Committee members as both groups agreed that a new facility is needed but they differed in opinion about the scope and size of the proposed project and selectmen then voting to nullify a Budget Finance Committee unanimous vote not to recommend the referendum item. All 35 other referendum items on the ballot were overwhelmingly approved by voters.

Incumbent Raymond Select Board Chair Joe Bruno lost in his bid for re-election for a three-year term to Raymond Budget Finance Committee member and former Raymond Fire Chief Denis Morse. Morse tallied 461 votes, while Bruno had 314 votes.

Three candidates were elected to serve three-year terms on the Raymond Budget Finance Committee. Christopher S. Hanson received 472 votes, former Raymond Town manager Don Willard received 455 votes and Clifford G. Small received 369 votes. Three seats on the committee were available.

Grace E.D. Leavitt of Raymond received 599 votes and was elected to a three-year term on the RSU 14 Board of Directors representing Raymond. She was the only candidate running for the seat in the election.

Raymond and Windham voters approved the RSU 14 budget proposal of $60,185,403 for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2024, and ending June 30, 2025. In Raymond, 501 votes were cast to approve the budget, with 278 votes opposed. In Windham, 701 votes were cast in favor of approving the school budget with 431 votes in opposition.

Republicans in Windham cast 509 votes for U.S. Senate candidate Demi Kouzounas of Saco while two candidates vied for the nomination for U.S Representative, including Andrew Piantidosi of Cape Elizabeth (261 votes) and Ronald C. Russell of Kennebunkport (284 votes). Russell won the nomination by picking up 56 percent of the vote overall in the state to Piantidosi’s 44 percent and will face incumbent Democrat Chellie Pingree in the November General election.

Jerry Lynn Dewitt of New Gloucester received 503 votes in seeking the Republican nomination for Register of Probate in Windham.

Kenneth J. Cianchette of Windham was unopposed in seeking the Republican nomination for State Senator in District 26 and received 552 votes. Incumbent Barbara Bagshaw of Windham was unopposed in seeking the nomination for the Maine House District 106 seat representing part of Windham and received 296 votes. Mark Cooper of Windham was unopposed in seeking the Republican District 107 nomination to represent part of Windham in the Maine House and received 263 votes.

For Democrats in Windham, U.S. Senate candidate David Allen Costello of Brunswick received 375 votes and incumbent U.S. Representative Chellie Pingree of North Haven tallied 468 votes. In November, Costello will face Republican Kouszounas and Independent incumbent Angus King for the U.S. Senate seat.

Incumbent State Senator Tim Nangle of Windham was unopposed in seeking the District 26 nomination and received 458 votes. He will face Republican challenger Cianchette in the General Election this fall. In Raymond, Nangle received 294 votes and Cianchette received 326 votes.

Doris A. Poland of Windham was unopposed in seeking the Democratic nomination for State Representative in District 106 representing part of Windham. She tallied 229 votes and will face Republican incumbent Bagshaw in November’s General Election.

Susan G. Schwartz of Portland was unopposed in seeking the Democratic nomination for Register of Probate and received 444 votes.

Democrat incumbent Jane Pringle of Windham was unopposed in seeking the nomination for the District 107 Maine House seat, representing part of Windham. She received 229 votes and will face Republican challenger Cooper and independent challenger and former legislator Patrick Corey in the General Election.

In Raymond, Democrat Craig R. Messinger of Raymond was unopposed in seeking the nomination for State Representative in District 86 and received 298 votes, while Rolf A. Olsen, Jr. was unopposed for the Republican nomination for District 86 State Representative and received 332 votes. Messinger and Olsen will vie for the District 86 seat in the General Election.

Suzanne Carr served as the Raymond Town Meeting Warrant Moderator for the Primary Election in Raymond. <

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