July 19, 2024

New Raymond Comprehensive Plan makes steady progress

By Kendra Raymond

After a lengthy and involved process of information gathering, survey distribution and analysis, public workshops, and plan revisions, the Raymond Comprehensive Plan is rounding the corner and coming into the final phases of the project.

The Raymond Comprehensive Plan website says the comprehensive plan is a document with a long-range view that guides municipal policy, growth, and investment over the next 10 to 20 years. The plan incorporates community vision, values, and data analysis on existing conditions in areas like housing, transportation, population, and public facilities.

“The Raymond Comprehensive Plan Committee is currently reviewing our first draft of the plan,” said Committee chairman Peter Leavitt. “The committee began the process of updating our 2004 plan in August 2020. In February 2021 after issuing RFPs the committee selected NorthStar Planning from Gray, Maine to be our consultant contract planners.”

Raymond has not updated its plan since 2004, and the committee recognizes that a lot has changed in the past 20 years, while some things have remained much the same. The Comprehensive Plan Committee is leading the way to decipher these nuances while remaining true to the core values and history of the town.

For towns in Maine, having a state-certified comprehensive plan is mandatory before applying for various grants and loans, or to incorporate various regulations.

North Star Planning, a New Gloucester-based consulting firm, is guiding the committee through the process. Their website explains that their mission is “helping communities chart their own path,” which seemingly fits the circumstances for Raymond, in the capable hands of the committee. The North Star website also says, “We create and sustain the places that make New England special to live, work, and play.”

The Raymond Comprehensive Plan committee is comprised of co-chairs Peter Leavitt and Kaela Gonzalez, along with a cross-section of community members. The group meets regularly to synthesize data and fine-tune the cohesive Comprehensive Plan, which is the citizen’s vision for the future of the town. It is a long-term planning document that incorporates multiple factors such as housing, land use, recreation, and transportation.

The volunteer committee also receives support from town staff. Employees type the meeting minutes and publish the agenda, but the committee creates their own agenda.

Leavitt cites strong community involvement in the process.

“To date we have sponsored two community workshops involving housing, transportation, future land use,” he said. “We established a website for the purpose of disseminating information regarding our activities.”

He says that citizen data collected from these workshops along with two internet-based community opinion surveys and committee polling of Raymond citizens has formed the core of our current plan. The committee has also completed one-on-one interviews of all town department heads, Leavitt said.

The website lists the Comprehensive Plan project phases as data analysis, an inventory of vision and values, a look toward Raymond Tomorrow, development of an implementation plan, and the adoption of the final plan.

Leavitt provided the projected timeline and completion date for the Comprehensive Plan as follows:

Aug. 7 meeting – A committee review of first draft

August 2024 (date To Be Determined) – A workshop with the Select Board, Planning Board, Code Enforcement and Comprehensive Plan Committee

October 2024 – A review of the second draft of the plan

December 2024 – A final draft Public Hearing

January 2025 – The plan’s submission to the State Planning Board for approval

June 2025 - Town meeting vote on acceptance of Plan

The committee will continue to hold monthly meetings at 6:30 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month at the Raymond Broadcast studio. The public and press are invited to attend. Virtual attendance is also an option (visit the town calendar for instructions). Attendance at the meetings is a great way to get involved and have your voice heard.

For information and updates, or to sign up for the newsletter, visit the dedicated website at: https://compplan.raymondmaine.org/. There you can submit questions or offer feedback to the committee. Survey reports are available on the website, as well as other resources such as factsheets and workshop reports. <

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