July 19, 2024

Raymond student earns Mainely Character Scholarship

Kylie Thibodeau of Raymond, a 2024 graduate of Gray-New Gloucester High School, has been awarded a Mainely Character Scholarship for $5,000.

Kylie Thibodeau of Raymond, a
2024 Gray-New Gloucester High
School graduate, has been 
awarded a $5,000 Mainely
Character Scholarship.
These scholarships are presented annually to Maine high school seniors who demonstrate exemplary concern for others, responsibility, integrity, and courage. Thibodeau was selected from 350 scholarship applicants statewide and her scholarship is sponsored by the Biddeford and Mechanic Savings Charitable Foundation.

Empowered by her grandfather’s story as a Vietnamese refugee, Thibodeau has dedicated much of her life to pursuing her passion for inclusiveness and bettering the lives of immigrants through increasing awareness, particularly of the youth in surrounding communities.

Throughout high school, she has been involved in both her school’s Civil Rights and Model UN Club, and she created two additional organizations called Engaging Diverse Perspectives, and Global Maine. She applied for and received a $10,000 grant to support these programs which seek to increase global engagement from youth in rural communities such as her own and counter xenophobia in rural Maine’s youngest populations.

Approaching public libraries in several rural communities, Thibodeau created story times using children’s books that told honest, accurate, positive stories by and about immigrants.

She has been involved with the Maine Youth Action Network (MYAN) throughout high school. The network’s vision is to “foster the healthy development of youth and create a thriving network of engaged leaders.” Thibodeau currently holds a leadership position in MYAN that allows her to put into practice her understanding of group dynamics and organization skills while always remaining respectful and open to diverse ideas and opinions.

As part of an honors curriculum her senior year she researched the effect of immigration on Maine communities, focusing specifically on the job market. This motivated her to submit Letters to the Editors of local newspapers: “Do Immigrants Steal Jobs from Native Born Mainers?” This submission resulted in varying opinions and feedback from the public that further allowed her to strengthen her belief that all opinions matter and free expression is important, and she welcomed the public discussion about the topic.

Those who know her say that Thibodeau sees life through an amplified lens, always seeing the larger picture. She recognizes strength in others and has a broad understanding of the world, atypical of someone her age. She is an active change maker, devoted to ensuring that diverse perspectives are at the table whenever solutions are being developed.

The Mainely Character Scholarship Board of Directors say that they are pleased to recognize Thibodeau as a person upholding its tenets of character: concern, responsibility, integrity, and courage.

Thibodeau will attend Columbia University this fall.

Mainely Character has been awarding scholarships to students of character since 2001. This year, 12 scholarships are being awarded for Maine students entering a higher education institution in the fall.

For more information about Mainely Character Scholarships, visit mainelycharacter.org. <

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