July 7, 2017

Student of the week: Lilyanna Look

Lilyanna Look, a sixth-grade student at Jordan-Small Middle School, is The Windham Eagle’s student of the week.

“Because of her hard work and perseverance, this young lady is on her way to becoming a star student,” stated one of her teachers. “Lilyanna Look is the kind of student who takes pride in her work - in doing the best job she can. She is naturally inquisitive, and often times leads class discussions to deeper, more analytical places. The growth we have seen from Lily . . .  well, it is just plain beautiful. We are happy to say she stands out as a student who is motivated, creative, dedicated, and joyful.” 

Look stated that she enjoys school because she finds the teaching staff helpful and nice. In her opinion, learning can be more fun if the subject matters are presented and explained with the help of slideshows and posters.

Look lives at home with her two sisters and their puppy, JoJo

Favorite subject:  English Language Arts (ELA)
Favorite movie:  “The Grinch”
Hobbies & extracurricular activities:  Yard sales and basketball

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