recent Equifax data breach has affected countless Americans and as a result,
many have become concerned about their personal information being shared and
stolen, thus affecting their lives in negative ways. Colby and Conley have
brought together their knowledge of identity protection and financial preparation
to educate the general population on ways to best protect themselves in a
possible and personal financial crisis.
than half of the American population was affected by the data breach,” Colby
explained. “It didn’t just affect Americans. In Canada there were approximately
260,000 individuals whose identities were stolen and over 400,000 in the U.K.”
driver’s license, medical information and social security is all floating
around in cyberspace,” Colby said. Conley added to that statement, “With a
stolen identity, you can easily be tied to a crime you didn’t commit.”
Dinner and Learn will not only discuss identity theft, but also ways in which
one can shield themselves from identity crimes and prepare for the future to
the best of their abilities in affordable ways.
this Dinner and Learn, Eric will discuss not only ID Protection but legal
services and the importance of creating a will; I will touch upon the
importance of making a plan and utilizing these services that are affordable to
the average American with estate planning information” Conley stated.
event is meant for anyone who is interested in safeguarding not only
themselves, but their families as well. It is intended for young and old alike.
not a matter of if, it is a matter of when,” said Colby. “It may seem morbid,
but we will all die, and we must prepare for those things we don’t want to
think about, such as having a will. Even if you think you don’t have anything
of importance, having a will is necessary. For example, when my mother passed
away, she had nothing to her name. My family fought over nothing and now we
don’t speak to one another. I miss having Christmases with my family. But since
she didn’t have a will to iron out the small details, I don’t get to have those
meaningful experiences with my family anymore.”
it is true that both companies provide services that assist individuals in
protecting their identities as well as preparing for their future, the Dinner
and Learn is not about selling those services. “I am doing this because I want
to help people and educating them is my way of being of service to my community,”
Colby said.
reiterated Colby’s statement, “The purpose is not to sell our products but to
help people live a life free of major financial concerns. I am a strong
advocate of financial literacy and that is my main purpose for providing this
Dinner and Learn.”
more information about the Dinner and Learn and to RSVP (seating will be
limited) please call Eric Colby at 207-604-4710. To discover more about Key Benefit Solutions or Modern Woodmen Of
America, go to their websites at www.keybenefitsolutions.com or www.reps.modernwoodmen.org/zconley.
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