Town of
Raymond municipal ballot has one vote for consideration. Louise Douglas is
running uncontested for the Office of Portland Water District Board of
Trustees which is a five-year term.
will take place at the Jordan Small Middle School, 423 Webbs Mills Road from 7
a.m. to 8 p.m.
Town of Windham
Windham municipal ballot will include the election of town council members,
School Board Director, Town Clerk and Portland Water District Trustee.
town council has two contested seats. Clayton W. Haskell, Bretta A. Jones and
David M. Lydon are campaigning for the at-large seat. Rebecca Cummings and
David Nadeau are both running for the east district seat. Both town council
seats are three-year terms.
Windham ballot also includes a vote for School Board Director, of which Kathryn
L. Brix and Pete Heanssler are competing for the position. This position will
be held for a three-year term.
S. Morrill is running unchallenged for the town clerk position which is a
two-year term.
G. Douglas is also running uncontested for the position of Portland Water
District Trustee. This is a five-year term.
voters will also vote yes or no on a referendum question, asking for an amount
not to exceed a $9.3 million bond to replace the Public Works and School
Transportation and Maintenance Facility located on Windham Center Road. The town
council recommends a yes vote.
will take place the Windham High School Auxiliary Gym, 406 Gray Road. Voting
polls will open at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m.
State of Maine
State of Maine ballot includes two citizen initiatives, one bond issue and one
constitutional amendment. The following is an excerpt from the non-partisan
Easy-To-Read Voters Guide compiled by the League of Women Voters of Maine:
question two is the second citizen initiative which is an act to enhance access
to affordable health care. This initiative means that the law would expand
Medicaid services for low-income adults and most of the costs will be paid by
the federal government. The specific ballot question is, “Do you want Maine to
expand Medicaid to provide healthcare coverage for qualified adults under age
65 with incomes at or below 138% of the federal poverty level, which in 2017
means $16,643 for a single person and $22,412 for a family of two?”
question three is a bond issue. It is an act to authorize a general fund bond
issue to improve highways, bridges and multimodal facilities and upgrade
municipal culverts. This question means the state would borrow money to pay for
construction of transportation projects. More money would come from the federal
government and other sources. The specific question is, “Do you favor a
$105,000,000 bond issue for construction, reconstruction and rehabilitation of
highways and bridges and for facilities or equipment related to ports, harbors,
marine transportation, freight and passenger railroads, aviation, transit and
bicycle and pedestrian trails, to be used to match an estimated $137,000,000 in
federal and other funds, and for the upgrade of municipal culverts at stream
question four is a constitutional amendment that would make changes to the
state pension system. This would allow investment losses to be spread out over
a longer period. The specific ballot questions is, “Do you favor amending the
Constitution of Maine to reduce volatility in state pension funding
requirements caused by the financial markets by increasing the length of time
over which experience losses are amortized from 10 years to 20 years, in line
with pension industry standards?”
more information on citizen initiatives, bonds and constitutional amendments as
well as the arguments for and against the four state issues, please refer to
the non-partisan Easy-To-Read Voter Guide compiled by the League of Women
Voters of Maine at
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