RSU 14 Board of Directors candidates are, from left to right, Marge Govoni, Joe Kellner, Justin Whynot and Dawn Miller. SUBMITTED PHOTOS |
RSU 14 Board of Director duties Two vacancies for three-year terms representing Windham on the RSU 14 Board of Directors will be filled during the Nov. 7 election.
The RSU 14 Board of Directors concerns itself primarily with broad questions of policy rather than with administrative details. The application of policies is an administrative task to be performed by the Superintendent of Schools and his/her staff, who shall be held responsible for the effective administration and supervision of the entire school system.
Members of the RSU 14 board have authority only when acting as a board legally in session. Board members are involved in policy making; choosing the superintendent; planning, set goals, and appraising results; approving and adopting financial resources; negotiating and approving collective bargaining agreements.
Board members also set clear expectations/standards and adopt policies regarding instructional programs; determine school building needs; communicate with various constituencies; advocate for the needs of the students; establish procedures for the operation of the board; review and evaluate board operations and performance; choose board officers; approve the annual school calendar; establish and maintain effective board-superintendent relations; and work with along with authorizing school administration to work with town, county, and other government and non-government officials and agencies.
CANDIDATE PROFILESMarjorie (Marge) Govoni RSU 14 Board of Directors candidate
Three-year term
Retired as a Manager from a global business, Textron Inc.
Some college, no degree. Has lived in Windham for the past 23 years.
Mother of four, Grandmother of 19 and Great-Grandmother of 9, lots of experience with children.
Why are you running for the RSU 14 Board of Directors? If elected, what will be your priorities? “I am running so I can continue to serve the students and ensure they receive an education that will help secure their future after graduation. My priorities are to make sure that policies and funding allow the district to do just that. There are many federal and state guidelines, laws and rules that schools must abide by, and the main role of a school board is to ensure that these are in place and followed. The school board has one employee and that is the Superintendent and with a reciprocal approach we can help make school successful for students. I care very deeply for our students, and I would love to continue serving them in this capacity.”
What particular experiences or skills have prepared you to serve as a board member? “I have served on this board since 2008 with two short breaks and in all that time I have always had the best interest of ALL the students in mind when making my decisions. I am presently on the Finance, Facilities, New Middle School and PATHS/WRVC Advisory committees. I have and will continue to frequently visit all the schools in the district to meet staff and see what is happening in the schools. In my past work experience I was responsible for budgets and dealing with multiple people at all levels. I am aware of the impact that budgets have on the community, and I always take that into consideration when working on the school budget.”
What attributes and behaviors are essential for RSU 14 Board of Directors members?
“You need to be respectful and thoughtful of others’ opinions whether you agree or not. I have told many parents that they have to advocate for their children, and I firmly believe that, but as a school board member you are responsible to advocate for over 3,000 students in this district. You need to be impartial and put things in place for parents, guardians etc. to have options if they don’t agree with your decisions and I feel this district does that. If you have an agenda, you need to be able to leave it at the door and make sure your decisions are in the best interest of all the students. That is not an easy task! You also need to make sure that you know the laws and policies that govern schools and to keep them in mind when making decisions. Transparency is important! Do your homework and find out the responsibilities that come with this job, because it is a job and over 3,000 students and approx.700 staff are relying on you. Be a good listener, communicator and observer and always respect each other on the board and the public as a whole.”
What can be done to improve student achievement in RSU 14 and ensure everyone who graduates is college or career ready? “We need to continue with the work that is already going on in the district. During Covid there were many students who lost ground through no fault of their own and the schools are trying to offer additional help to these students. We need to stay on top of what is going on in the world and make sure that we offer students programs that will allow them to succeed in an ever-changing world. Technology is ever evolving, and the schools are aware of this, and so as the world changes so must the schools. We are in partnership with 2 Vocational schools so that students who prefer to work with their hands have that choice, and presently those schools are looking into giving students credit for some of their academic classes, such as math. This would open up the opportunity for more students to attend the Vocational Schools. We need to also continue to expand the scope of the courses we offer.”
What is the best way to address differences of opinion on the board or between the board and the administration? “The Board needs to be diverse in our thinking but in the end, we need to agree to disagree. That sounds silly but we are all different and the expectation should not be that we would all agree on everything, but we do need to respect each other's opinions and listen to each other. Differences should be talked out and there is usually some give and take but it’s the final decision that counts.”
What is your vision for public education in this community?
“When you serve on the board, I believe you were put there to serve the students and to make sure they receive a proper education. Some people may think that reading, writing and arithmetic as taught in the old days is the right way to go and I disagree. You need to make sure that you look at the whole child which includes the academics, sports, the arts etc. This is not a one shoe fits all society and we need to be flexible in our thinking if we want our students to survive and be ready for life after High School.”
What do you see as the major issue(s) facing the RSU 14 school district?
“The appearance of them and us! There is no them and us because we are all here for the same thing and that is to make sure that every student gets the best education that fits their needs. The safety of our students and staff is an issue. We have excellent staff in this district, and I feel that the dissention that is going on is having a detrimental effect on their well-being and ability to teach and students are feeling it also.”
Joe Kellner RSU 14 Board of Directors candidate
Three-year term
Chief Executive Officer, LifeFlight of Maine
Bachelor of Arts, German, UMaine Orono; Master of Business Administration, management concentration, Maine Business School, UMaine Orono
Certificate in Advanced Emergency Care, Kennebec Valley Community College
Maine Licensed Paramedic
Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives
Moved to Maine in 2003 to attend college at UMaine. Moved from Bangor to Windham in 2017, where I reside with my wife, Caitlin, and two boys: Leland (6) and Elliott (4). Leland is a student at WPS and Elliott will attend next year. I have substantial leadership experience in healthcare, including management and finance. I recently left my role at Northern Light Health as VP of Finance for Northern Light Home Care and Hospice, to become CEO of LifeFlight. I have been involved with the LifeFlight organization since 2009 in various capacities. I have served on several boards, including the seven years in a gubernatorially appointed position on the Maine EMS board during both the LePage and Mills administrations. During this time, I served as the chair of the board, and served on multiple committees. I was chair at the start of the COVID pandemic. I have also served on the board of the Aroostook Hospice Foundation and Maine Ambulance Association.
I was just named as one of Maine’s 40 under 40 by MaineBiz Magazine.
While time with my family is my first priority, I also enjoy cycling and hiking, as well as travel. I am also a certificated private pilot.
Why are you running for the RSU 14 Board of Directors? If elected, what will be your priorities?
“I believe seeking consensus and common ground are important priorities for any candidate. I have a proven track record of doing just that. I feel I can help bring our community back together, and make sure we are working on all of the areas for which the board has oversight, and in proper balance. I do not have any affiliations with activist organizations, and I believe the best policies are developed locally without outside influence. Finally, I will have children in the school system for the next 14 years, and I want to do my part to ensure all students, including my own, have a positive experience.”
What particular experiences or skills have prepared you to serve as a board member?
“I have extensive leadership and board experience with a proven track record of finding common ground among strong differing viewpoints. I have shown a commitment to listening to all sides of various issues, with openness to having my mind changed when appropriate. Calmness, kindness, and respect are traits I try to display.”
What attributes and behaviors are essential for RSU 14 Board of Directors members?
“School Board Directors must take time to fully understand issues, hear various viewpoints, and only after reviewing all available information, make informed decisions. Board members must be professional and kind in all interactions and should actively ensure transparency whenever possible. Board members should be apolitical in their position and should not be beholden to any particular group.”
What can be done to improve student achievement in RSU 14 and ensure everyone who graduates is college or career ready?
“Having significant experience in process improvement, I can attest that improvement comes through realistic and achievable goal setting along with regular measurement and accountability. Student achievement is so much more than test scores, however, and is not a “one-size-fits-all” situation. Ensuring every student is respected and treated as an individual is key. Many students have individualized education plans (IEPs) and to effectively support those students, RSU 14 needs to be properly resourced. Continuing to properly fund the arts, athletics, and extracurricular activities helps expose students to vital skills in creativity and leadership, which in addition to strong academics, support readiness for the next chapter after public school.”
What is the best way to address differences of opinion on the board or between the board and the administration? “Transparency creates trust. As a leader, I believe strongly in adopting that philosophy. The best way to resolve differences is through mindful, respectful, and frequent communication. Disagreement is a healthy part of making good policy. I embrace disagreement as an opportunity to learn from one another.”
What is your vision for public education in this community? “My vision is for RSU 14 to be a centerpiece of the community that attracts families to live here and attracts and retains great educators and staff. RSU 14 can be a national model for achieving consensus and tackling difficult problems.”
What do you see as the major issue(s) facing the RSU 14 school district? “The issues facing RSU 14 are not dissimilar to those that public schools face nationally. It’s important to realize that there are many areas that are important for the school board; not just the “hot-button” topics. Top issues for me are recruitment and retention of staff, proper stewardship of taxpayer dollars through responsible budgeting, ensuring a well-rounded and effective educational experience for all students, and making sure students within our schools are safe.”
Dawn Miller RSU 14 Board of Directors candidate
Three-year term Currently a Small Business Owner, I have also been a stay-at-home mom, a personal trainer at a private fitness studio and served High School and Middle School teams, and the foster coordinator for an animal rescue.
I graduated from UMaine with a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology (the study of the human body and movement) and have been a certified personal trainer since 2003.
Born and raised in northern Maine, after travelling I permanently settled in Windham with my husband and daughter (who attends WMS) in 2016. My upbringing was shaped by my family’s commitment to public education and serving the community with integrity. My mother has been on a School Board for 22 years and worked in another district at a K-8 school for 29 years. My Grandfather was the Old Town High School principal for 27 years and still serves as a mentor for teachers and administrators well into his retirement. He was also a Rotarian which he still is to this day. I am “Pro-Educator”, as I saw first-hand the dedication and sacrifice it takes to do that most important job.
Why are you running and if elected what will be your priorities?
"Like many parents and guardians, I have been involved in Windham schools as a volunteer; however, in the past year I have felt a strong calling back to my roots to become more invested in supporting the best parts of our education system and working cooperatively and ethically to find solutions to areas we can improve. I hope to bring to RSU 14 School Board a servant leadership mindset: The goal of a leader is to serve, encourage diversity of thought, be unselfish and to foster leadership in others. My priorities are generally excellence for students and staff, but they will be shaped as I learn more about RSU14 and the School Board from that perspective. Transparency with the community and parents is important to me, as are parents’ 14th amendment rights to be involved in shaping their child’s education."
What experiences or skills have prepared you to serve as a board member? "Being a business owner requires being a self-starter, dedication, patience, discipline, organization, appreciation, and punctuality. The success of my business depends on commitment to quality, the trust I build with customers and the relationships made along the way. When the work is the most challenging, I maintain a calm manner adapting as scenarios arise. It also requires being fiscally responsible and forecasting and following a budget to prepare for the future and ensure longevity and success. During many years as a personal trainer, I have collaborated with people from all different backgrounds which has taught me to be a good listener and take each individual’s unique set of circumstances and work with them to help them reach their goals."
What attributes & behaviors are essential for RSU 14 board members? "It should be mandatory that Board members follow their Code of Ethics, and all board policies, which will ensure they are meeting the needs of the people who elected them. A school board member needs to be open minded and a good listener, which is one of my strengths. They need to come from a place of compromise, be respectful of other viewpoints and have a willingness to collaborate and consider new solutions to changing situations. The relationship between the School Board and the Superintendent can be best described as one of teamwork. The Board, administration, and teachers have a common basic responsibility for the welfare of the children in the schools, and we should enter service with the belief that everyone shares this fundamental goal and be willing to compromise."
What can be done to improve student achievement in RSU 14?
"One of the best ways to improve student achievement is to improve morale by creating a positive, cooperative environment where students are encouraged to reach their highest individual achievement and are recognized and rewarded based on merit. We can reach out to parents for input about their students’ education experience and ask teachers from their perspective where any disconnect is. We have some amazing educators in our district, and we need to support them and find out what they need to ensure all students in RSU 14 are thriving and ready for college, trades school, the workforce or whatever path they have chosen when they graduate. While curriculum comes from the MDOE, the Board interprets policy and works with administration to achieve best practices within RSU 14."
Best way to address differences of opinion?
"The School Board and administration must work together to solve problems and choose direction for the district. The Superintendent provides the Board with information to make decisions, but the Board can also do their own research and have an open dialogue, and respectfully find a way to come to a resolution. The issues facing districts are complex and the most important element is being receptive to new information, and being willing to compromise with the understanding that variables constantly change. The most successful Boards will be able to adapt, always keeping in mind that the goal is to meet the needs of students and to foster a united community."
What is your vision for public education in this community?"My vision for public education in RSU 14 includes strong academic learning and development of critical thinking skills from unbiased instruction. Students are treated as unique individuals and are inspired to work toward personal goals and to outreach in their community. I believe RSU 14 is a place where staff and students alike thrive, and we can keep building on that. A result of public education should be that when students leave, they are a better version of themselves, and they have the knowledge and the skills to go out into the world and accomplish any goal they put their minds to. Public education must include cooperation between the Board, administration, and with the parents. Kids’ best learning results happen when they have support at home, and that should be encouraged. RSU 14 can improve transparency to the community and respect parents’ rights to be involved in their students’ education."
What do you see as the major issue(s) facing the RSU 14 school district?
"The largest roadblock currently seems to be the divide in the community regarding parents’ rights. Part of the community is questioning library content students are provided without parental consent or knowledge while others want their parental rights to allow their child access to all materials protected. While the issue is complicated considering law and policy, RSU 14 does have local authority to write and administer policy to achieve the best outcomes for our community. Parents must be heard in that decision-making process as their relationships with their children are unique and nobody knows these students better than their parents. Solutions should be created that support education, preserve all students’ safety, and respect the parental rights of all parents to be involved in their children’s education. RSU 14 will accomplish this with good faith cooperation, and I would appreciate the opportunity to serve on the Board to help move RSU 14 forward in the most positive way."
Justin Whynot RSU 14 Board of Directors candidate
Three-Year term I currently serve as a Co-Director of Parents’ Rights Maine and am the Vice Chair of the recently formed Maine Chapter of Moms for Liberty. I am also my younger child’s homeschool teacher. Prior to that I spent the last twenty years in the automotive industry as an auto body technician.
I’m a Windham High School alumni and have studied educational models for years. I have a penchant for research and have a strong basis of knowledge to both absorb new information and offer input. I have also become familiar with Board Policy, the MDOE, the DOE, along with Federal and State laws concerning education."
"I am the second generation of my family to attend Windham schools, preceded by my mother, who both attended and was a teacher in Windham, and my grandfather, who was also a teacher and coach in Windham schools. I spent my youth in the Boy Scouts of America where I achieved the rank of Eagle Scout and was instilled with values such as service to others, the importance of community, the preciousness of freedom, the need for reverence, and the value of education. I have served as a Youth Group Leader, a Children’s Church Leader, a Camp Counselor, and a Coach. Today, with my roots firmly planted in Windham, I’m a husband, father, and grandfather of one, with another grandchild on the way.
Why are you running for the RSU 14 Board of Directors? If elected, what will be your priorities? "As an RSU 14 School Board member, my goal is to work with other board members who feel as passionately about education as I do to create an educational environment where the board, administration, teachers, parents/guardians and community members come together to best support our students to find their individual paths to success. School should be a place where students receive true unbiased instruction, and where one’s background including sex, race or creed puts students neither above nor below any other individual. The Board must also exercise their local control to ensure that parents have the right to oversee and direct their child's education as it is enshrined in the 14th Amendment. A main priority is to work on a system to review library content to ensure the safety of all students and respect all parental rights. It is our role as Board members to interpret and administer State Education Law to best serve students in our community; my interpretation would maximize practical, knowledge, and experience-based learning, and develop critical thinking skills to best prepare students to be productive citizens."
What particular experiences or skills have prepared you to serve as a board member? "Through my decades in Windham I have worked in the community and been enriched from the many relationships I’ve built. In raising a family with my wife, I have learned how to be resourceful, fair, patient and cooperative. Currently, I serve on two boards where I work collaboratively with a diverse group of individuals to set and meet ongoing goals to choose the best course of action. Recently, I helped plan and coordinate the Freedom Convoy to D.C. working with dozens of individuals throughout the state and the Northeast region of the U.S. This year, I co-authored an Ordinance for the Recall of Elected Officials, and collaborated with a large group of citizens to successfully get a referendum for it on the Windham municipal ballot. I am dedicated to help serve the community to make RSU 14 the best support it can be for all students and families throughout the district."
What attributes and behaviors are essential for RSU 14 Board of Directors members? "A Board Member must take into account the needs of the educators, students and parents while providing them the resources and guidance to empower a safe and effective learning environment. It is essential for RSU14 Board of Directors members to have integrity and character and conduct themselves in a highly ethical manner. They should strive to be a shining example and set a positive tone in the community and must show respect to fellow board members and administration and be open to new ideas and information. They must be respectful to community members to openly receive and genuinely consider public input as the Board makes decisions for the district they were elected to represent. It is critical that community members are heard and are not time-limited in their contribution, as the best ideas result from free and open discourse. Board members do not serve any agenda beyond what is best for the people in the community they serve."
What can be done to improve student achievement in RSU 14 and ensure everyone who graduates is college or career ready? "Students deserve the opportunity to work towards their life goals without the hindrance of bureaucrats pushing ideological curriculum. A student’s successes are profoundly impacted by the involvement of their parents in their education. Transparency and parental involvement are a must for pupil achievement. To achieve a student’s full potential in academic learning, it takes a full collaborative effort of students, parents and educators. This can be achieved through diligently working with, and providing the means, resources and opportunities for the parent/educator/student collaborative. Growing up in a family of educators, I witnessed first-hand the obstacles teachers face on a daily basis. I saw their compassion, their empathy, and their drive to meet every need of every student that walked into their classroom without hesitation. What I also saw was the frustrations and struggles educators faced. These obstacles that weighed down student achievement seemed to stem from school administrators and politicians imposing bad policies, ideological content and micromanagement that created non-conducive environments. RSU 14 offers excellent career path development; where we can improve is to embrace that the greatest achievement of an educator is teaching a student how to think, not what to think."
What is the best way to address differences of opinion on the board or between the board and the administration? "We all need to come together with the underlying understanding that we all care about the students first. Differences of opinions are the basis for the best ideas and the foundation of all great achievements and endeavors throughout history. Open discussions and discourse are what moves all ideas into fruition. All members of the Board must represent and respect the input of educators, parents, students and fellow Board members to develop a learning environment that can meet the needs of every student. Inevitably Board members will disagree and at times a course of action chosen without unanimity. Board members must support the chosen course and if an issue is revisited, it must be raised through channels within the Board. Differences of opinion with administration will be handled with due respect, be fact and reason based, and the Board will decide together what course is taken."
What is your vision for public education in this community? "The public school system should be an inspiring environment where students have autonomy, are respected for individuality, and freedom of speech, where ideological groupthink and cancel-culture is not supported. A strong student body community is fostered through individual empowerment and encouraged teamwork and service. Educators are appreciated and supported, and in turn provide a fair space for the exchange of ideas and knowledge. Students are taught critical thinking skills, so no matter what they face in the future they can navigate it. We should revisit teaching fundamental academics that have been shed along the way. Especially in middle school, we need to stop socially labeling and dividing students in the name of equity, which leads to an increase in negativity and low morale. Focus on tolerance and compassion and rewarding positive behavior will go farther. Every student should be encouraged to achieve their best outcomes. Above all, their education should be free of biased teachings, ideological persuasion, and focus on sexualization."
What do you see as the major issue(s) facing the RSU 14 school district? "After the election, the Board will primarily need to address the demoralizing, harmful library materials that are being provided without parental knowledge. Stonewalling parents concerned about the content available to young children in school and defending the current inadequate system has resulted in a damaging divide in the community. We need a solution that maintains intellectual freedom but affords every parent transparency and the ability to screen content for their children. I have begun developing a plan to help achieve this. Once elected to the School Board my goal is to work with my fellow Board members to enact a system that will protect children from exposure to inappropriate materials, and ensure all parental rights are maintained. “A Blockbuster Library” will allow students to browse the shelves, find selections and read the synopsis of the literary content." To see Justin’s plan, go to
http://www.windhamraymondparentsforchoice.com "Critical Race Theory (CRT) and/or Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is another major issue that needs to be addressed. These types of instruction methods wedge a divide between students and their peers, and within the community, cultivating racial and social divisions. Since SEL and CRT have been implemented into the education system, Maine’s test scores have plummeted and mental health issues have risen dramatically. In 2022, the Nation’s report card listed only 24 percent of Maine eighth graders to be at or above proficiency. The Mental Health America’s youth data for 2022 reported 15.6 percent of Maine youth (age 12-17) reported suffering from at least one major depressive episode (MDE) in the past year. Our schools should be free of ideology and a place where students have the opportunity to reach their greatest potential and learn how to think for themselves. Student surveys are another topic that needs to be addressed. While they offer a potential to provide important information on the needs of the students, they have become entrenched with topics that confuse, alienate and socially divide students. We need to work as a district to do everything we can to educate and empower our students and create an environment that is fostering a healthy safe environment of equality not equity. This way students are successfully prepared for their path that lays ahead."