August 2, 2024

Eagle Choice winners to be unveiled next week

By Ed Pierce

The staff of The Windham Eagle newspaper have completed counting votes for the Eagle Choice Awards and once more the popularity of the annual competition is evident.

Launched in 2015, the Eagle Choice Awards recognize local businesses in the area through popular vote and shows that the community does take notice when it receives outstanding service and finds superior products offered by local merchants.

Melissa Carter, advertising manager of The Windham Eagle newspaper, said that the awards remain wildly popular and established a new record this year by receiving 9,250 ballots cast resulting in over 172,000 votes across 87 categories.

“These awards salute those who the public thinks exceed the norm for their products, services, and overall customer satisfaction,” Carter said. “These votes are heartfelt and come from the people who use the goods and services provided by these outstanding businesses.”

Kelly Mank, owner and publisher of The Windham Eagle newspaper, says that the Eagle Choice Awards are an outstanding way for the public to learn about a business they may not be familiar with and to discover the very best services, food and products that are available locally.

“The Eagle Choice Awards give the community trusted options and a unique way to connect residents and visitors here with area businesses in meaningful ways,” Mank said. “Every vote comes from the readers and is based upon how they feel about local businesses.”

The continuing popularity of the Eagle Choice Awards can be attributed to the ongoing support and encouragement of area business owners, who live and work in the community, have raised families here and have built a loyal following of customers, friends, and neighbors.

Eagle Choice Award voters must cast ballots in at least 10 categories or more and must also include their email address when uploading or turning in a ballot for their vote to be valid and to ensure that only one vote is cast by an individual. Email addresses collected during the Eagle Choice Awards competition are not sold or distributed to a third party.

The Eagle Choice Award winners who place first and second in each category will be featured in a special section of the newspaper which will be published next week.

According to Carter, if two local businesses come within 10 votes of each other, a tie is called and both businesses are recognized.

“The special section is saved by many residents and used all year long to find the area businesses that have been singled out for recognition as being the ‘best of the best’ by local residents,” Carter said.

The Eagle Choice Awards special section is also posted to the newspaper’s website for convenient and handy reference throughout the year. Residents and customers can recognize Eagle Choice Award winners by the decals on doors and vehicles and plaques on display at their business.

“That Eagle Choice decal and plaque has really taken off as a symbol of trust and top-notch service for everyone who lives in this community,” Mank said. “Business owners who display this are proud of this recognition.”

Suggestions for new categories are always welcome and the staff will try their best to accommodate these requests. While it is difficult to include every single business in a cateogory they try to include as many as possible. Every effort is made to include write ins with more than a certain number of votes from a previous year into the ballot for the following year. Feedback is welcome to be sent to

“Every business mentioned in the Eagle Choice special section is more than worthy and deserving of this recognition and we are so happy to be able to showcase their popularity with the Annual Eagle Choice Awards,” Carter said. “We can’t thank everyone enough who took the time to cast a ballot, to our readers for supporting these fine businesses and to the many companies that support our publication not just for Eagle Choice by on a weekly basis. We can’t wait to reveal the list of winners in the Aug. 9 edition.” <

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