August 23, 2024

New RTP ride program to serve Windham area

By Ed Pierce

The Regional Transportation Program is expanding its service area in Windham through a new program called QuickRide.

A new specially equipped passenger van operated by RTP is
providing rides in Windham through a new program called
QuickRide. The service connects riders to destinations in
Windham, North Windham and Saint Joseph's College
This new on-demand micro-transit service is meant for anyone within Windham or at Saint Joseph’s College. It connects riders in Windham, North Windham and Saint Joseph’s College in Standish between the hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. There is also a new weekday convenient evening stop that runs from Portland to Saint Joseph's College.

QuickRide participants will be able to use the service for a ride to appointments, work, shopping, and other destinations within these areas. Rides may be paid for and scheduled using the RTP smartphone app and cost $3 for one way.

RTP officials say that rides will be offered in a new specially equipped RTP passenger van and will be available to be scheduled in advance. The RTP app also offers real-time updates as to where the van is at any time during the day.

“We are bringing this to the Windham area with the prospect and hope that we can get additional funding to expand this micro service in many areas of northern Cumberland County,” said Jack DeBeradinis, Executive Director of RTP. “We are looking to really make this something special as we expand the Lakes Region service.”

This new micro-transit service was created to make public transit easier to use and to offer more frequent connections, advancing two of the goals of the Transit Tomorrow plan formulated by the Greater Portland Council of Governments.

The Transit Tomorrow public transportation plan was devised to meet the growing demands placed on local transportation networks, help reduce traffic congestion and to give residents from all walks of life reliable access to transportation and is part of a 30-year strategic plan for enhancing public transportation in the region.

The plan’s ultimate vision is to create a regional public transportation system that stimulates economic development, enhances great places, reduces climate pollution, expands mobility, and elevates the customer experience.

“Our vision is that by 2050 using our region’s public transportation is faster and more affordable than driving a car,” according to the plan’s mission statement posted online. “Our system is funded sustainably and provides reliable and seamless transportation for our community, including commuters, mainland and island residents, and people with mobility challenges. Our communities support the long-term viability of public transportation by focusing on new homes and jobs where people already live and work.”

To its vision, the Transit Tomorrow plan proposes a four-part strategy that includes the goals of making transit easier, creating more frequent connections throughout the region, improving rapid transit opportunities to connect the region’s major market centers, and implementing transit-friendly land use policies that support more development in villages and downtowns already served by transit.

The plan was developed by the Greater Portland Council of Government’s Transportation and Community Network, a regional, multi-sector mobility management network that meets regularly to engage stakeholders in transportation planning and decision-making. Network members include representatives from organizations focused on aging, disability, health care, housing, public health, economic development, bicycle pedestrian advocacy, and transportation.

The network membership includes individuals who have experience with transportation barriers, such as older adults, people with disabilities, and communities of color that are underserved by transit. The project team for QuickRide met with the Transportation and Community Network on two separate occasions to seek input on the plan’s draft recommendations.

Those seeking rides between Windham and Bridgton or to Portland are encouraged to use RTP’s Lakes Region Explorer service which provides bus service six days a week running along Route 302 between Bridgton and Portland. <

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