August 2, 2024

National Night Out an opportunity to meet Windham public safety personnel

By Ed Pierce

Members of the Windham Police Department are looking forward to meeting the community and showcasing what they do on behalf of public safety during the popular community gathering called National Night Out.

Held annually on the first Tuesday evening in August, this year’s National Night Out will be conducted from 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 6 at the Windham Public Safety Building at 375 Gray Road in Windham. The event is an opportunity for the residents of Windham to meet with local law enforcement and public safety personnel in a casual setting and learn more about the important work that they’re doing protecting the town.

National Night Out is entirely free and open to the public and will include food, and an array of fun activities for the entire family.

Representatives of the Windham Police Department, the Windham Fire Department and Windham Parks and Recreation will be on hand and participants will be able to view police and fire equipment and vehicles up close.

The original National Night Out was established in 1984 with funding from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, part of the U.S. Department of Justice. The program is administered by the National Association of Town Watch, a nationwide organization dedicated to the development, maintenance, and protection of community-based, law enforcement-affiliated crime prevention activities.

Over the years, National Night Out has developed into an effective crime prevention program that emphasizes building a partnership between the police and the community.

Windham Police say that community involvement in crime prevention generated through a multitude of local activities and events such as National Night Out help bring prominent attention to crime prevention programs offered by law enforcement agencies and assist in the dissemination of information about successful strategies used by police officers to thwart crime in the town.

Along with grilled hamburgers and hot dogs for everyone, there will be active demonstrations at the National Night Out event by a Windham Police K-9 dog and handler, drone flights, and displays of specialized equipment and various law enforcement programs used by the Windham Police Department.

Windham police officers and firefighters will be on hand and in unform to meet the public and talk with them about their duties.

All National Night Out activities generate a true sense of community under positive circumstances, police officials say.

For more information about National Night Out, call 207-892-2525. <

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