October 11, 2013

Homecoming at WHS draws crowds and spirit - By Michelle Libby

Homecoming week is exciting for high-schoolers and this year was no different. Each day last week, students dressed according to themes and causes. On Monday students arrived in pajamas for pj day, Tuesday the teens showed the pride in their favorite professional teams or as a superhero by wearing a shirt or costume, Wednesday was wacky and Thursday was wear pink in support of assistant principal Deb McAfee who is battling breast cancer. Friday was class day, where students wear shirts declaring their class. First years wore gray, sophomores wore maroon, juniors wore blue and seniors, who traditionally wear white, wore Arctic camouflage.
Friday also was an early day for more than 100 students and teachers as they gathered in the gym at 4:30 a.m. to do a school spirit challenge with Channel 13. Another pep rally was held in the afternoon to psych the teams up for the football game.

All week the Windham athletic teams played homecoming games with great attendance from the community. 

Saturday the band, athletic teams, members of each class and players from Windham Youth Soccer Association gathered to march in a homecoming parade. Each class had a float decorated with a theme. There the administration declared the senior class the winner of the school spirit award with their seventies disco themed float and ultimate school spirit. Fourth place went to the junior class with their hip hop float, third went to the freshmen for “the roaring 2017s” float and second was awarded to the sophomores with their Beatle’s inspirited creation. There was a fair held after the parade and finally the week was capped off with a homecoming dance at the high school Saturday night. 

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